Sunday, February 10, 2013

Nemo! Ha ha! Nemo... I don't get it.

We had a good half day of Wildcat and then the real fun began! During Friday night, the snow really hit. Supposedly 17 inches of the fresh stuff landed between Friday morning and Saturday morning. Instead of breaking trail, we did the easy way and went back to Wildcat. Unfortunately, the wind was howling so every time we got to the top of the mountain, it was pretty unpleasant. AND because the wind was howling so much, the top of the mountain was losing snow fast and furiously! We would take the lift to the top of the mountain and move as fast as we could down the mountain because the snow was really fun at mid-mountain but it was bullet-proof from the top to mid. I made so many turns that my aching back turned into my aching abs... but I guess I needed to knock my body around a few times to get everything back working again and I'm pain-free... besides my abs... which feel ROCK HARD!!! 

Nate driving seriously through a blizzard! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE the Subaru!! She's drives like a charm!!! 

The blizzard... 

Second chair lift ride... Notice Nate's face thing is already frozen... 

Nate making some turns! 

Nater looking stylish... 

And the best sequence of photos from the day. Nate was skipping ahead to see if I could spray him because I have been practicing this technique (and obviously need to continue practicing) Here is the early start of the spray... I do have sweet dance moves all splayed out... 

When I went to really grab in... I must have hit something and only one side of board dug in and it dug in hard... 

So my spray attempt ended up being a skid but I dug hard... 

And fell on my bum... 
And I laughed and laughed and laughed!!! 

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