Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You silly Caad9...

*Not my bike... I'm too lazy to walk down the stairs to take a picture of my bike...

I have a love/hate relationship with my bike. I love the idea of riding my bike, but I hate when I ride my bike and I $UCK... Here's how it went down...

I needed to take my car to the shop this morning to get it inspected. I figured it would be a good idea to ride home since I need to get some miles on my bike. I looked at the weather report and it said, winds North/North East 15 mile per hour with 20+ mph gusts. I was riding north, so I figured I would have a tailwind the whole way... Well, I'm not that smart with the weather report and when it says winds North/North East,  it means that the winds are coming from the North or North East... Not that they will be blowing North or North East! (LESSON LEARNED) So, I get about 4 miles away from the car shop and most of the ride is uphill from the coast to inland so for me and my lack of hill ability, I was already struggling. Then the winds started blowing. There were more then a handful of times that I was peddling down the hill, my speedometer would say, 19, and then wind shot, back down to 16. There were uphills that I was trying my darndest and barely getting above 13... It was a sad morning... There was even a point where I cried and told whomever that I would be nice to the world around me if the winds would just stop... The winds didn't stop...

Oh well... I'll keep riding and keep trying... Maybe by September, I'll be able to ride my bike!!

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