Monday, May 23, 2011

The adventure in healing

As I've probably expressed before, I'm not a very good patient. I don't like going to the doctors until I have to and even then, I still don't like going. As my posts have stated before, I have a nagging hip injury and I've had enough of said nagging hip injury so I sucked it up and went to the doctor.

The doctor, thankfully, said nothing was broken. So, now I have a nagging hip injury where I have to suck up some humility and have to work with someone to get better. And today was my first PT appointment. The last time I had therapy was for a nagging elbow injury. It was one of those 20 years of swimming followed by one to many falls on the snowboard and some mountain biking added in and you get an elbow that you can't straighten. The OT worked with me for a few weeks and we finally got it straigtened out only for me to get a stress fracture in my foot and 12 weeks on crutches to wreck it again. But for the most part, my elbow doesn't always feel great, but it doesn't limit me from having fun.

Now, I have an injury that is limiting me from doing something that I really would like to do pain free. Here comes the kicker.... I don't get paid to run so if someone were to say to the insurance company, she can't run so she needs physical therapy to run again, the insurance company might say... uh... no... but thankfully, it doesn't just hurt to run, but it hurts to sit for long and short periods of time. Since my job is to sit behind a computer for 8 hours a day and I'm pretty much in pain for 7.5 hours of those days then yup... insurance likes me again... Which all in all really made me miss my days being a D1 athlete.

Back to PT... So, she pokes me and prods me and asks me 100 questions. One of my favorite conversations of the morning included this:

PT: "So, what do you do as hobbies? Obviously, you run, what else?"
JP: "Well, I'm training for a triathalon so I swim and bike as well, but I also mountain bike, surf, snowboard, and hang with my dogs"
PT: "So, you JUST run, swim, road bike, mountain bike, surf, snowboard, and hang with your dogs?"
JP: "uh... yeah... I JUST do all those"

In the sucking up humility lesson that I'm learning, I wanted to look at her and say, "If I just do all those then you must be doing something cooler... maybe I should get your cell number now so you can take me to do some of these cool activities"... I didn't though.

She then said something along the lines that there are typically three things that can cause hip pain... and I have all three... I don't remember what she said after that as all I could think of was, "oh crap, I'm going to be doing this FOREVER".

And the last thing that transpired was the homework assignment. She wants me to be able to "isolate my lower ab muscles". She told me to put my fingers about less than an inch inside my hip bone, then I need to flex that area, but I can't use my diaghram or flex my bum muscles. I was able to get a hint on how to do this from my PT friend, Anna, so I might be able to complete my homework assignment before my next appointment. So, what makes me laugh about all this is that I had two massages recently. I was told to relax my bum muscle. "It is relaxed"... "no, it's not"... "yes, it is"... "Jenny.... It's not relaxed. I can tell"... "oh"... "thank you"... So... I'm going to try this isolating bit, but since I don't even know I'm flexing my bum I think it's going to be a lot harder then it sounds...

Hey, I'm on the road to recovery... Hip Hip... HOOOO RAY!!!!

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