Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bike Accidents Checklist

This will probably be one part of many!

1) The Endo - Complete... the slow motion endo, the downhill endo, the trying to jump a rock endo, you name it... I've done it!

2) The high speed, downhill slide off your bike onto pavement - Complete...

3) The not as high speed, dog pulling you off the bike onto pavement - Complete!!

4) The slower speed car turning into you and you end up wripping off the side mirror - Mark that one complete! And here comes the story... Last night, my friend Brian and I were riding our bikes to Amanda and Sarah's for our normal Wednesday night dinner. We were about a mile from Brian's house and we were coming down the main street in Dover. The car traffic was pretty thick and we were riding in between the driving cars and the parked cars. All of a sudden, a truck decided to turn into a parking space. He didn't bother turning on his turn signal at any point and I was coming up alongside of him. He turned right into me essentially. I yelled and tried to turn with him. I ended up wripping off his side mirror with my arm. I lost some skin on my knuckles and my forearm. My pinky feels a little funky but I think it's just a bruise of some sort. I didn't hit the pavement at all!! I got mad skills! :) He did get out of and ask if I was ok. He offered to get me an ambulance. I was fine, just a little shaken so I said, 'no thanks' and we continued on to Amanda and Sarah's! (After we pulled away, I thought about going back and getting a picture of the lack of mirror, but I decided not to... he might have made me pay for it!).

It's always an adventure!

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