Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Surf Session

As stated last year, we held onto our one tradition of surfing Christmas morning. This time we brought my brother, PJ, along and our friend Sean continued his tradition and joined us. It was just as cold as last year and I think it was around 20 degrees. We weren't sure if there were going to be waves and when we pulled up to the beach, we were nicely suprised. They were about knee high, clean little rollers. My brother had a 4-3 suit on with a hood and some gloves and he got cold quickly. He went to sit in the truck to warm up. I caught a few more waves and then went in to trade him my mittens. He went back and caught a few more and then Nate came to swap me his mittens for PJ's gloves. Nate's mittens had a huge gash in the thumb and were a little too big on me so I paddled for one wave and went in with a numb hand. I got my 5+ waves so I was happy!! 

Here are the pictures from the day... 

My brother, PJ, getting ready in the truck at the beach

Nate catching a ride: 

My brother, PJ, caught one. 

Sean on a wave. 

A classic party wave with Nate in the middle, PJ on the left and Sean on the right. 

And to show off how crazy this boy really is, here is Nate before we went surfing. Notice the 6 ml wetsuit with a hat and a puffy coat on... 

And there is Nate after we surf... Notice the lack of clothing... NUTS, I tell ya!!! :) 

Since Nate and I aren't all traditional, I'm glad that we have been able to continue this one. I hope that you and your family find a unique tradition to follow! Break from the mold and be different!!

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