Sunday, January 23, 2011


I have no pictures from any weekend warrior trip b/c there was no weekend warrior trip this weekend... As the last post explained, I hurt myself badly on Saturday. My poor bum aches and aches. Then to top it off... Tuesday afternoon, Nater got sick. He slept all day and slept all night and woke up chipper and went to work. Thursday afternoon, I left work early and ended up getting sick as well. Friday was just a chill day at home doing nothing. Saturday, we spent the whole day cleaning out closets and throwing stuff away. We made two trips to the dump... mostly recycling paper and throwing away stuff that did not need to move to a new location. I had almost 10 years of cooking light magazines + 9 years of cooking light books... Not sure I needed both, especially since 9 times out of 10, I go online and find a recipe!! We also made a trip to the goodwill with a car load full of old clothes and old toys!! YEA for cleaning out!! Nate is going to bring home boxes this week and we should be all set to roll!!! Now if only my bum didn't ache so dang bad...

Let the next adventure begin already!!!