Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week off - Day 3 - 10

Is it really over? It can't be over! I only surfed 4 days in a row... I'm only fried from my head to my toes... Does it really have to be over?!?!? :-(

Of course my week off is ending with my phone not working and saying it needs to be restored, but when I restore it ends in failure...

THANKFULLY, Nate's phone died a few weeks ago (that is not the thankfully part) and he said that he wished he made a back up of all his pictures before it died. So I made a backup of all my pictures... but it didn't need to die this soon... Nate's theory is that apple puts a "die-date" on their products and after some time, they just die. No rhyme or reason, just death to the apple product.

To get back to my vacation, I had a blast. I'm soooooo tired and am ready to just sit down at work for 8 hours.... so I'm not really ready, but I am really tired.

Day 3, my whole dang family headed to State Farm Park. My dad was an employee for State Farm Insurance for over 35 years. As a perk to being a lifer, they gave him guests passes to the park. He got to take us all along with him and it was a great day of fun. We played on the diving boards and the slides. We went down the lazy river a bunch of times. It's definitely changed from my younger days, but still a good time.

Part of the lazy river and the kiddie slide splash down area

Nate playing on his phone after going off the board 600 times.

The following day, Ann's family and David's family headed home. PJ's host is a member of BCC so PJ took his kids there for the day of fire works and July 4th Celebration. That left Kris and I to show Kris's kids the ropes. We took them down to Ewing park for our own little urban adventure. (Pictures will be entered in later). 

We also went to see fireworks with Kris's kids and her husband. They were better than I have seen in the last few years so it was pretty exciting. When we got home from fireworks, Nate started packing to go home and he was super sweet and said that he didn't want to leave me alone to drive home by myself. I was like, 'well, what if we leave in the morning then?' He agreed that it would be a great idea so I told my parents that I was leaving early and that Nate and I were driving back together. I was sooo bummed to leave early, but so happy to have someone to ride with. We got up around 4:30 and powered our way back to New Hampshire. We got home at midnight and then I had 3 more days of vacation to fill!! 

First day in NH consisted of stand-up paddle boarding with Scout and Oakley. I wish that our waterproof camera was working, because I would've had some awesome pics. We took off from Fort Foster in Kittery and paddled to one of the islands off of the park. Oakley got to hang out on my board most of the time and Scout swam around. Poor Scout must have been pooped because after 2 hours of swimming around, he headed to the beach and wanted NOTHING to do with swimming. 

Second day in NH vacation consisted of teaching my brother how to surf and mountain biking. My brother PJ just moved back to the Northeast and is living in Rhode Island near Narragansett Beach. He thought it was about time that he learned how to surf. I took him to my favorite cove and I taught him the basics of catching a wave. He struggled for a while and finally caught a wave at the end. After surfing, I napped and then went to ladies ride. It was super funny because all of our heads were in the gutter and then we saw squirrels mating. There were lots of giggles and lots of comments. Then the squirrels fell out of the tree while I was trying to take a picture of them and almost landed on my back. I screamed like a little girl! 

My last day of vacation consisted of more biking and more surfing. I took the dogs to some trails in Rollinsford on Friday morning. It was pretty fun and I was able to power in 5 miles in an hour. Then I went to the foundry, cleaned up the pupkins, and headed to the local breakfast joint and enjoyed a yummy bagel sandwich. After that I got ready to go surfing with my brother again. After a day of learning how to catch a wave, he was all ready to stand up. He caught a few waves and ended up standing up towards the end of the session. It was awesome!! 

Then, I was still on vacation, but it was a Saturday so Nate was home too!! Nate and I went and picked up our fruit and ice cream from the Applecrest CSA in North Hampton and then toured the beaches to see if there were any waves. The waves were teeny tiny so we decided no surfing but we'll take the paddle boards out. We went up to York and paddled from long sands to the harbor and then back again. As we were coming back to Long Sands, the winds started picking up. The winds were heading out to sea and I was getting pushed out to sea. I really enjoyed my trip on Thursday with the dogs and was sort of in the ocean, but Saturday's paddle boarding session SUCKED!!! I ended up laying down on the board and paddling with my arms back to the beach because I could not for the life of me get back on the board! 

Sunday, Nate was invited by the boys to go mountain biking so I decided to take the dogs for a swim. After the swim, I thought it would be a great day for a surf session again so I called up my brother and off we went. We ended up having an awesome surf session. He stood up on pretty much his first wave, and caught a few more after that.  I caught a lot of fun little waves and had a blast. 

All in all, it was a nice vacation. I was able to do a lot of things but relaxed a lot too. I wish I would have been able to spend more time with my parents but I had a driving buddy and I spent 3 lovely days on the beach!! Not a bad week off!! 

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