Thursday, August 26, 2010

Random Thoughts by JP

So Anna R & Nater are usually the only ones that are exposed to my complete randomness... but here goes nothing...

1) I saw a guy this morning riding his bike with dreadlocks that were past his buttocks... I'm not sure why dreadlocks give me the heebie jeebies... but they do!! And hair past your buttocks gives me the heebie jeebies too... Nothing like standing in the shower with your hair in your crack to make you feel clean... so, he gave me double heebie jeebies...

2) And just to prove how random my brain works, here's a multi-random thought... This morning I surfed by myself. I went to my favorite surf spot and I paddled out. As I was paddling out, I was mentally preparing myself for the 'what if' scenerios... What if I see a seal? what am I going to do... Random thought part 2a... so, every time I tell people that I surf, someone inevitably says, "oh, did you hear about the shark sighting at such-a-such place?" To them, I usually want to look at them as bold face as I can and say, "Oh, did you hear a child molester moved into your neighborhood?"... b/c to me, they are very similar... please, if someone tells you that they surf, leave the shark stories for discovery channel! Back to my seal... so if I see a seal and I haven't paddled completely out, I'm just gonna turn back around, grab the dogs and have some fun on the beach... if I see a seal and I have surfed a few waves, I might stay around and surf some more... or I'll just high-tail to the beach and get out of the water... So, I caught a few waves and paddled back to my spot, I look around... oh, and here comes mr. happy seal... bobbing up and down... all happy like... What to do? what to do?... The waves were pretty dang fun, so I stayed out and got another one, but every time I looked at my feet, I heard the jaws music... and now... I have heart burn!! GREAT!!!

3) After surfing in the mornings, I put my pj's back on, go to work, and take a shower at work. Today was no different. I leave my toiletries in my little locker at my cube so I have to go to the third floor to my cube before I go to the second floor to take my shower. I walked onto the third floor and was pretty happy to see that no one was at work yet. I was seriously hoping that I wouldn't have to talk work before I took my shower. I grabbed my toiletries, grabbed my back pack, turned around... and wa la... there was someone standing there. He chuckled at me, which immediately turned my smile upside down, and then proceeded to just talk at me. I wanted to stop him SO bad and say, "dude, I'm wearing my pjs, can this wait?" For this guy, yes, I would've called him dude. But he didn't let me talk until he was done with his diatribe. So, I'm standing there a good few minutes in my pjs at work. And of course, it was something he could've emailed me about and has to email me anyways... so to mr. dude, I say... Please, it was 7:30am... Next time, it most definitely can wait!!!!

4) I just was conversing with Anna R and I made a comment about someone's outfit. She was like, 'uhm, excuse me. look at where she is from?'. I then said, "Anna dear, I am from Illinois. Should I wear overalls everyday?".... Sometimes, I crack myself up!!! :-D

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