Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Random Thoughts by JP - August edition

I do have a lot of random thoughts and occasionally they make it to posting, occasionally, they get deleted because I never complete my random thought updates... Today will be my variety of FB updates that I have thought about posting, but have not due to not really caring to update my FB status! :)

1) Last night, the dogs were outside and I was getting ready to get them dinner. I let Oakley in and Scout was still milling around the yard so I shut the screen door as I didn't want bugs to get in the house. Next thing I know, Scout comes bounding up the deck stairs and flying across the deck and smashes into the screen door. He folded in half, fell, got up, shook himself off and we let him in. I was DYING laughing and Nate did not see the humor in it at all. I now have "Buy screens for screen door" on my task list as the screen was ripped badly... It still cracks me up though!!

2) My favorite real estate agent EVER, Sam, bought us an electric fence as a house warming gift!!! Knock on wood, but the dogs are really becoming contained in the yard and I couldn't be happier!!! I love that we get to spend time outside and not have to worry about the dogs running away, Scout getting tangled up around trees, or Oakley wandering into neighbors trash bins to see what good things they threw away from the night before!! Thank you Sam!!!

3) If you don't understand this, please don't ask because I am not going to explain this... Dear Hampton, please watch out for my friend tonight and every night to come!!

4) Oakley is not a huge fan of dudes in general, but there is one male figure that Oakley has spent some time with and NEVER EVER warmed up to. I wish she could have actually said what she was thinking because knowing what I know now... she was right!!!

5) My triathlon is almost a month away... at the beginning of the summer, I was uber confident and thought that I could kick that triathlon in the teeth... My confidence is gone!! I'm hoping to finish. I'm hoping not to finish last. I'm hoping that I'll be able to run the whole 5k. I swam and then ran yesterday and pretty much have never bonked so hard in my life. Two things factored into that bonkage... the lack of food (i was so worried about getting the dogs out of the house quietly that I forgot about foodstuff) and aunt flow. She's a bi-atch and really sucks the life out of me!!!

6) This will probably make it as a blog post in it's own because I believe it will be a pretty fun adventure, but here is the before picture:

And here is the after picture: 

Time to reclaim some of the yard.... 

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