Sunday, February 20, 2011

Adventure of the Retail Kind

At about 5:30pm last night, I looked at Nate and said, 'Do you want to go to Ikea and get this over with?'... Ikea closes at 9:00pm and it takes an hour and 45 minutes to get there so we already stretched ourselves pretty thin. We got there around 7:15 and started walking around. We found the dining room furniture. I showed Nate what I had picked out... He found a better table. We got to the bedroom section and I showed Nate what I picked out... He found something better... We couldn't find a desk so we are still looking for one of those... We found all the boxes and were in line to pay at 8:45pm!! Talk about power shopping!!

So we ended up with two of those huge carts full of boxes. Here's Nate with his cart full of boxes:

So, if we had thought this through and planned ahead, we would've brought a truck... But we didn't...

So we had to take a few boxes apart... and put the chairs in the car sans box... It worked out though. We bought a dining room table, 6 chairs, a cart thing that will act as a sidebar/platter thingy, a 6 drawer dresser, a 3 drawer dresser and two night stands! And it ALL fit in my vue!! That car rocks!!

The finished dining room table, 6 chairs and cart thing:

We still need to hang pictures and get a desk... but we are almost there!!! 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

We Successfully Popped BPJ's Mt Wash Cherry

Meet Bryan P Johnson, better known in our house as BPJ: 

BPJ has just started doing back country stuff and yesterday, we were his tour guides for a trip up Mt. Washington and broke his Mt. Wash cherry!! It felt good... real good!! :-)

This is the infamous Brian Nevins. If you haven't heard of him, you should really check out his work at his main site or GetInTheVan. He's a pretty awesome photographer and it was a pleasure to hike up Mt. Washington with him.

We hiked the gulf of slides trail and headed up one of the shoots in the main gully. We got a few turns and decided that wasn't fun enough so we decided to go again. I shouldn't take credit for deciding... I just went along with the ride because I was feeling a bit spent being out of shape from being injured for a month. However, once the boys decided we were going up, I took the lead and charged up. Their testosterone got the better of them so they had to go higher than me... of course!!

Pictures while I was waiting for them: 

Bryan's dog, Piper, came with us too. Oakley is used to being in charge and Scout is a little bit of her enforcer. Piper is also used to being in charge. Oakley and Piper seemed to stay out each other's ways, but Scout and Piper seemed to have a few too many words. 

And to demonstrate how steep it was where the two dogs were exchanging words, here's Oakley perched on the side of the mountain:

Scout got another battle wound, but shook it off pretty quickly. That's what he gets for trying to mess with the ladies!

Time for a nap on the side of a mountain... at least my gear blocked her from the wind!

Scout was sooo pooped on the way home that he curled up on all the gear and passed out! It was pretty cute... Nate wasn't psyched that he was on Nate's stuff but it was cute!!

All in all, it was an awesome trip! It was great to be uninjured again and out on the mountain. It snowed a little bit while we were up the mountain which is always nice. I definitely sweated just as much coming down as going up which is always sweet!!  And it was a nice break from packing and unpacking and cleaning!

Thanks Bryan and Brian for allowing Nate and I to be your tour guides and getting out with you! Can't wait to get out with you again soon!!!